Distinctive Tonal Music Inspired by Magical Places

Sonata for Clarinet and Piano: Three Studies of Children

ID: SM-000329282
CompositorMichael Mauldin
EditoraMichael Mauldin
Ano de composição 1971
Gênero Clássico / Sonata
chave Fá (F) maior
Instrumentação Piano, Clarinete
Composição paraSolo, Piano de Acompanhamento, Dueto
Tipo de composiçãoScore for two performers, Parte de solo
duração 13'20"
movimento(s) 1 para 3 de 3
dificuldade Advanced
descripção The first piece I wrote in New Mexico was a sonata for clarinet and piano called "Three Studies of Children," written for a recital given by my fiancée, Bonnie Buchanan, whom I had met at school in Kansas. It's a "pastiche" which celebrates (rather than mocks) childhood and early 20th-century chamber music. Though the piece had no direct connection with New Mexico, I remember feeling incredibly free while writing it, and I was sharing it with Bonnie. I was like the children in the piece I had written. Yet children epitomize our human predicament–they feel everything more–both pleasure and pain. Licensed by ASCAP #885253250. An electronic performance of all three movements can be heard and downloaded at https://soundcloud.com/michael-mauldin/sets/sonata-for-clarinet-and-piano
data de postagem 06.04.2018


Sheet music file
15.00 USD
PDF, 1.58 Mb (41 p.)


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