Distinctive Tonal Music Inspired by Magical Places

Fiori Musicali: Five Preludes for Piano

ID: SM-000171342
Альтернативное название Mountain Blue, Prairie Yellow, Window White and Black, Garden Purple, River Red
КомпозиторMichael Mauldin
ИздательMichael Mauldin
Год создания 1986
Жанр Классика / Пьеса
Инструменты Фортепиано
Состав исполнителейСоло
Тип нотДля одного исполнителя
Время звучания 8'50"
Части 1 до 5 из 5
Уровень сложности Выше среднего
Описание These preludes were written for a concert of my works at my Alma Mater, Washburn University of Topeka, Kansas in 1986, where I premiered the set and dedicated it to the memory of James Van Slyke. He had been one of my beloved music professors there. He passed away unexpectedly only weeks before the concert, so I wrote quickly, but with determination. He loved both classical music and jazz, so I tried to incorporate some elements of both, and to celebrate my memory of his colorful personality. I borrowed the title from the celebrated set or organ works by Italian musician, Girolamo Frescobaldi, one of the most important composers of keyboard music in the Renaissance.

ASCAP title code: 360249116

More sound: https://soundcloud.com/michael-mauldin/sets/fiori-musicali-sequenced
Дата публикации 24.09.2012


5.00 USD
PDF, 781.7 Кб (14 стр.)


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