Distinctive Tonal Music Inspired by Magical Places

Three New Mexico Landscapes for Clarinet and Piano

ID: SM-000171353
Título alternativo Enchanted Mesa, Sleeping Snow, Aspen Race
CompositorMichael Mauldin
EditoraMichael Mauldin
Ano de composição 1975
Gênero Clássico / Música de Câmara
Instrumentação Piano, Clarinete
Composição paraSolo, Piano de Acompanhamento
Tipo de composiçãoScore for two performers, Parte de solo
duração 8'45"
movimento(s) 1 para 3 de 3
dificuldade Difficult
descripção The first movement of "Three New Mexico Landscapes" is entitled "Enchanted Mesa" and is a result of my “ time-machine” experience there, which was no more than feeling in touch with the land and the people who had lived and died there centuries before. "In touch" in a very "present" way. It was my first reference to the ancestors of today's Pueblo people. The other two movements hinted at the tugging forces of adversity and bliss: the second, "Sleeping Snow", was sophisticated "blues" with a touch of panic in the middle, and "Aspen Race" was a child-like celebration of a colorful, stimulating environment.

ASCAP title code: 500961802

More sound: https://soundcloud.com/michael-mauldin/sets/three-new-mexico-landscapes

"This work, filled with an interesting mix of harmonies sounding simultaneously archaic and contemporary, beautifully captures the grandeur of three aspects of this state's rich geographical phenomena: mesas, snow and aspens."
data de postagem 24.09.2012


Sheet music file
5.00 USD
PDF, 3.10 Mb (28 p.)


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